Day[35/100] #100DaysOfCloud – Jonnychipz – Store Data in Azure

Another day of learnings from MS Learn today, and I managed to finish off the Learning path way around how to programmatically store data in Azure, covering different data storage options, how to connect an application to data storage, how to secure storage accounts up and finally looked into the ways to programmatically interact with a storage account in Azure.

As always, fantastic Microsoft Learn content on this Learning Path:

This Learning Path is split into 5 comprehensive modules as follows:

Choose a data storage approach in Azure

Create an Azure Storage account

Connect an app to Azure Storage

Secure your Azure Storage account

Store application data with Azure Blob storage

Some really comprehensive materials in these modules and some hands on lab practice when integrating into Applications utilising .Net core framework to store application data into Azure storage accounts.

I found these resources really interesting to work through and really need to work on utilising the .Net core in some simple applications a little bit more than I do currently.

Happy Learning!

100DaysOfCloud Overview

My Main ReadMe Page is all set up with a bit about me!

The guys at 100DaysofCloud have set up the GitHub repo to be cloned and also have a great repo containing ideas and areas to collaborate on:

My Github Journey tracker can be found here:

Please Watch/Star my repo and feel free to comment of contribute to anything I push! I really look forward to hearing from anyone who is going to jump on the journey around the same time as me! Lets see where I get to in 100 days!

I would encourage others to jump on this journey, I’m not sure that I will be able to commit every day for 100 days, but as long as I can complete 100 days that will be great!

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