About Me

My name is John Lunn and I am an Azure Core Specialist at Microsoft

I go by the pseudonym of ‘Jonnychipz’ across a lot of social media platforms and am always open for a chat or to help in any way I can! I was awarded the Microsoft Azure MVP award in 2021 which I was honoured to have received but the transition to Microsoft as a full time employee meant I had to relinquish this title in November 2022. However my passion for community and helping individuals and businesses alike learn and understand the benefits and power of the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

I have always been a Science and Technology enthusiast, so working with Technology is a great way to get paid to do your hobby!

I have over 20 years working experience within IT ranging from analyst to developer, from consulting to architecture.

I am an Organiser of the Welsh Azure User Group (Twitter: @welshazure), so please go give them a follow as well.

I live in South Wales, UK with my family, I enjoy traveling and music and am an avid Drummer!

My views are my own within this blog and not representative of my employer.