Day[34/100] #100DaysOfCloud – Jonnychipz – Secure your Azure Cloud Data

As part of my ongoing fulfilment of knowledge around the Azure Cloud platform I have decided to refresh and learn about the current Data Security technologies and techniques surrounding Data in Azure.

For this I have turned to the fantastic learning modules offered by Microsoft Learn. In particular the learning pathway:

I have been working through this learning pathway over the last few days and I would estimate it has probably taken me around 6 hours to complete in its entirety, this is completing all the sandbox activities and really doing a small amount of additional reading with the associated additional links. Like anything, a lot of the learning comes with actually getting hands on with some of these areas which I intend to do a bit more of.

This Learning path is split into 7 modules as follows:

Security, responsibility, and trust in Azure

Top 5 security items to consider before pushing to production

Configure security policies to manage data

Secure your Azure Storage account

Configure and manage secrets in Azure Key Vault

Secure your Azure resources with role-based access control (RBAC)

Secure your Azure SQL Database

You can see that the content is quite diverse in security scope, covering the technologies utilised for securing Data albeit in Storage accounts or Databases, as well as defining what the joint responsibility is between Microsoft and us as a consumer of the services in terms of the security landscape.

These modules really dig into the practicalities of utilising Azure Key Vault to store shared secrets for use in applications or development pipelines as well as covering of the practicalities of how to switch functionalities on, what is on by default, i.e. TDE is on by default for all new Azure SQL services, and how to apply RBAC controls to services.

Finally this learning pathway gives a good broad view of security posture across Azure and gives the reader a good grounding on the mix of technologies and things to consider from a security prospect.

100DaysOfCloud Overview

My Main ReadMe Page is all set up with a bit about me!

The guys at 100DaysofCloud have set up the GitHub repo to be cloned and also have a great repo containing ideas and areas to collaborate on:

My Github Journey tracker can be found here:

Please Watch/Star my repo and feel free to comment of contribute to anything I push! I really look forward to hearing from anyone who is going to jump on the journey around the same time as me! Lets see where I get to in 100 days!

I would encourage others to jump on this journey, I’m not sure that I will be able to commit every day for 100 days, but as long as I can complete 100 days that will be great!

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